Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Statement

My work examines the conflicting and often tangential desires of the modern female psyche. In a world filled with options and promise, I attempt to look simultaneously backwards and forwards. By contemplating historic female roles and modern day revolutions I hope to show how both worlds intersect for a confusing and schizophrenic lifestyle of over-inflated expectations, wants and needs. Through clothing choice and performance, I let my body and its interpretive visual language speak to the complexities of the current female’s social experience.

Selecting clothes from my own wardrobe, comprised of goodwill finds and modern day renditions on vintage items, I hope to personify the previous owner’s experience through my own lens. By contemplating her mindset, time period, social restrictions and domestic roles in relation to their modern day mutations and inflations, I hope to show the large rifts occurring in identity and sense of self. Using my body as a filter to embrace and questioning the rules and expectations of 2nd Wave Feminism, I show both what I’ve absorbed and rejected. By collapsing the generations into one body, I call into question ideas of progress, restriction, power, play and sexuality.

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